HSOTC Update
Matching People and Pets Since 1947!
At the start of this decade, the HSOTC assumed the designation as a limited intake/no-kill shelter. The no-kill shelter designation rejects euthanasia as a means of population control and instead works toward reducing the number of animal’s born through increased spay and neuter programs including low-cost help for low income families. The limited intake addresses the multitude of requests we receive monthly to surrender animals and/or transfer animals from Tuolumne County Animal Control (TCAC). Unfortunately, due to our limited isolation areas – especially for dogs – we cannot safely or humanely accommodate more than the average complement of 42 cats and dogs on any given day. Given the number of animals that can be accepted, we employ waiting lists of owners wishing to surrender their pets for adoption in addition to a limited foster care program.
We try our very best to take in as many animals as possible each and every month, securing over 60% of our intake from TCAC. We ask for your understanding when we are at our maximum capacity in isolation and cannot safely transfer new arrivals into the general population. Our process is a simple yet effective one that helps eliminate the spread of disease, aids in reducing stress on the animals and staff while ensuring a smooth transition between the animals and HSOTC personnel.
However, all of this wouldn’t be possible without community support and understanding of what we do at the HSOTC. We receive no federal or government funding and without ongoing community support our doors would close. For those of you who continue to support us…we simply say Thank You!